Social Media Management
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27 social media management training videos on reputation management & online brand management strategy
Social media management training for social media managers, executives and entry-level employees from the top-rated social media training provider. Learn on your desktop, smart phone or tablet.
Learn the rules of social media engagement and the disruptive impact
Intro to YouTube, SoundCloud, Blogger, Google Analytics, Flickr, Ustream & more
Social media strategy for leveraging Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin
Best practices and case studies from Toyota, PSNH & US Dept. of Defense
Exclusive tips and tricks from social media managers at major brands
We help employers manage the risks and capitalize on the opportunities of social media in the workplace through expert-led, self-paced online training videos and tutorials.
Whether you’re a new social media manager, an executive or an entry-level employee, this online course includes everything you need to know to come up to speed on social media management strategy and tactics. Update your professional skills for today’s digital job market. Learn social media management anytime, anywhere on any device.
Eric Schwartzman specializes in digital marketing strategy, social media audits, social media policy development, social media compliance, social media marketing, search engine optimization and web development.
Schwartzman founded iPRSoftware and is the author of “The Digital Pivot: Secrets of Online Marketing” and the best selling social media marketing book “Social Marketing to the Business Customer,” the first book on business-to-business applications of social media.
Learn strategies and tactics for the effective implementation of social media for business.
2Promotional MaterialsVideo-Lektion
See and hear testimonials from past attendees of Eric Schwartzman's social media training workshops.
What you need to know before you take this course.
4Social BusinessVideo-Lektion
Learn how social media forever changed mass media communications and why businesses must embrace it.
5Realistic ObjectivesVideo-Lektion
Learn realistic goals of social meia for business.
6Value PropositionVideo-Lektion
Learn to define the value proposition of social media for business.
7How did the World Wide Web change the mass media business?Quiz
8The Business CaseVideo-Lektion
Learn to articulate the business case for social media to co-workers, managers and clients.
9Which one of these statements is false?Quiz
10Control vs. CredibilityVideo-Lektion
Why there is an inverse relationship between control and credibility on social media and the web.
11On most corporate websites, there is an inverse relationship between…Quiz
Achieving reach and frequency through likes, comments and shares.
13For the EnterpriseVideo-Lektion
How social media impacts organizational disciplines and how to ensure lawful use.
14Disruptive ImpactVideo-Lektion
Learn how social media gives individuals a way to keep large organizations in check.
15Impact on ReputationVideo-Lektion
Left unchecked, here's how social media can tarnish corporate reputations.
16Strategy and TacticsVideo-Lektion
Strategic and tactical considerations of social media for business.
17The homeland/embassy digital strategy argues…Quiz
18Launch a BlogVideo-Lektion
Launch a blog and publish a post. Learn visual and HTML modes. Use bullets and link anchor text.
19Google AnalyticsVideo-Lektion
Set up Google Analytics and monitor unique visitors, top content, search traffic, refferals and more.
20Measure RSSVideo-Lektion
Set-up Feedburner and measure blog subscribers via RSS.
21What is the purpose of Feedburner?Quiz
22Google Analytics can be used for...Quiz
23Embed PhotosVideo-Lektion
Learn to embed Flickr photos in your new blog.
24Hands-OnL Embed a YouTube VideoVideo-Lektion
25Embed PowerPointsVideo-Lektion
Embed a PowerPoint presentation on your new blog.
26The following skills are required to use an embed code.Quiz
27Custom NewsfeedsVideo-Lektion
Parse an RSS newsfeed in the sidebar template of your new blog.
31US Dept. of Defense Social Media PolicyVideo-Lektion
How the world's most risk averse organization successfully deployed social media.
32PSNH Crisis Communications IncidentVideo-Lektion
How the energy utility Public Service of New Hampshire used social media during the worst ice storm in the state's history.
- Live Streams Pruis RevealVideo-Lektion
How Toyota used their online newsroom to live stream the Prius reveal at the Auto Show in Detroit.

Working hours
Monday | 9:30 am - 6.00 pm |
Tuesday | 9:30 am - 6.00 pm |
Wednesday | 9:30 am - 6.00 pm |
Thursday | 9:30 am - 6.00 pm |
Friday | 9:30 am - 5.00 pm |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |