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German Language B2 - Upper Intermediate German

Learn German Language From A Native & Experienced German Teacher - Learn German Grammar, Vocabulary, & More
Julia Krist
6.306 Teilnehmer Angemeldet
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Learn German from an experienced German teacher!

The course begins with an introduction to the easier part of B2 German grammar and goes step by step further into the subject. This course is taught exclusively in German (with English and German subtitles).

In addition to the 43 German grammar lessons, this course also contains videos about German idioms, tongue twisters (pronunciation), mnemonics, how to get rid of learning blocks, German quotations, dictations, related words and exams.

There is also a question marathon in which you test whether you still have gaps from the previous language levels.

In general, this is a very interactive course where you will also learn advanced vocabulary for the B2 level. Attached to almost every chapter you will find PDF files with homework in order to practice further what you have just learned in the according chapter.


  • Become competent in B2 German grammar

  • Learn more about the German culture through idioms and quotes

  • Receive valuable tips on how to learn German more efficiently

  • Learn the B2 German vocabulary

You will learn the following:


Futur II | Nominalisierung von Verben mit Nomen | Adjektive mit Präpositionen | Modale Zusammenhänge verbal & nominal | Nomen mit Präpositionen | Erweitertes Partizip I & II| dass Sätze | Adversativsätze | Zweiteilige Konnektoren| Negation durch Vor- und Nachsilben | Partizip I als Nomen | Mittelfeld im Hauptsatz – tekamolo | Indirekte Rede | als ob | Konditionale Zusammenhänge | Fugenelement “s” bei Nomen | Konzessive Zusammenhänge nominal & verbal | Zustandspassiv | von und durch| Wortbildung – Vorsilben bei Nomen | Alternativen zum Passiv | Generalisierende Relativsätze | Feste Verbindungen von Nomen und Verben | Subjektlose Passivsätze | Konsekutive Zusammenhänge | Feste Nomen-Präposition-Verbindungen | Indefinitpronomen | Kausale Zusammenhänge | Verweiswörter im Text | Nachsilben bei Adjektiven | Uneingeleitete wenn-Sätze | Vergleichssätze | Temporale Zusammenhänge | Subjektive Bedeutung des Verbes “sollen” | Wortbildung -weise bei Adverbien | das Verb lassen| Verbverbindungen | Konditionalsätze | Wunschsätze |

German Vocabulary:

  • General German B2 vocabulary

  • Online shopping


  • German culture – sights, food, culture

  • German idioms – to sound more like a native German

  • Tipps on how to get rid of learning blocks

  • German quotes

  • Dictations

  • Mnemonics

  • Intermediate exam

  • Tongue twisters

  • Related words – similar and identical words in German and English to learn German vocabulary faster

  • Recommendations for useful books to learn German

  • Additional exercises / homework

  • Learn about different German dialects (Berlin, Bavaria, East-Germany etc.)

  • Question marathon

  • Final exam

✅8 hours of guided video content!

✅Download all course material!

✅30 day-money-back-guarantee!

✅You only pay once and get life-long access!

✅Learn wherever and whenever you want! You have full flexibility!

✅You will have German and English subtitles for a better learning experience and understanding!

✅You will have exercises or homework at the end of most chapters!

Why taking this German course?

✔ Learn from a native German teacher with 10+ years of experience in teaching. Thus, you will also learn the correct German pronunciation, without accent or dialect.

✔Learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever you like! Therefore, have maximum flexibility!

✔Join 70,000+ happy students in 160+ countries who are already taking our courses!

✔You have a 30-day-money-back guarantee! Thus, you have no risk and nothing to lose!

✔Safe money! Our courses are much more affordable than any traditional course!

✔Learn in a structured way with clear explanations! Each chapter and course builds on each other.

Why learning German?

Learning and speaking German gives you amazing benefits!

  • We need you! As of 2023 there are more than two Million unfilled job vacancies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland! And this trend is rising. Especially in the fields of medicine, engineering in mechanical and vehicle construction, electrical engineering, IT and software development, programming, education, health care and social work. It is made easier for skilled foreign workers to immigrate, but in most cases the requirement is to speak German at least on the language level of B1.

  • Through the German language you get access to world class higher education! German schools and universities are basically free of charge for everyone! Germany is one of the world’s most popular places to study for foreigners. Around 320,000 international students were enrolled in Germany in 2020.

  • Make more money by speaking German! Even if you don´t plan to live in a German speaking country there are many international German companies which are looking for German speakers worldwide who earn more than their non-German-speaking colleagues. Some of the renowned German companies are BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volkswagen, Audi, Siemens, Allianz, Bosch, Deutsche Bank and Villeroy & Boch.

  • Germany, Austria and Switzerland belong to the countries with the highest standards of living. The German speaking countries have diversity, affordability, thriving economies, art, creativity, business, technology, culture and much more! The German economy is the strongest and biggest in Europe!

  • Learn German to challenge yourself, improve your brain development and for your personal growth! Learning and speaking a new language also boosts your confidence! According to a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, learning a new language has a positive effect on the growth of brain cells. The study also found that people who learned a second language had improved cognition, including better memory and faster thinking skills. Furthermore, the researchers found that the benefits persisted even after the participants stopped learning the new language. The findings also suggest that learning a second language can help prevent age-related cognitive decline and can even have benefits for our overall intelligence.

  • With more than 100 million German speakers German is the most spoken language in the European Union! Thus the chances are high that you can apply German even outside of the German speaking countries also because Germans are the second most travelling nation worldwide and can be found everywhere!

  • If you already speak English it will be easier for you to learn German as both languages are Germanic languages. There are hundreds of so-called cognates which are words which are identical or very similar in English and German. Such as the words finger, hand, glass and many many more!

  • Germany´s capital Berlin is one of the most popular cities for entrepreneurs worldwide! Virgin has recognized Berlin as one of the best startup hubs for entrepreneurs and job seekers. As one of the most international cities in Europe, Berlin is diverse, multicultural, and full of creative and ambitious talent. Berlin is also much more affordable than other hotspots like San Francisco.

  • German is the second most commonly used language in the Science community! Some of the greatest innovators were native German speakers such as Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Max Planck, Carl Gustav Jung, Gottlieb Daimler, Rudolf Diesel, Karl Benz and many more! Also some of the greatest composers and poets like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Schiller and Hermann Hesse came from German speaking countries! Get access to their original works through the German language!

Try the program for 30 days…Risk free!

You have 30 days to go through the “German Language B2 – Upper Intermediate German” and to decide whether you like it or not. If you are not satisfied you can claim your 30-days-money-back guarantee! So, there is no risk involved for you!

You still have questions about the program?

When is the course being held?

– The course is prerecorded so it gives you a maximum flexibility on when and where you want to learn. You will have access at any time. All you only need an internet connection and a device such as your mobile phone, laptop or tablet.

For how long will I have access?

– You will have a life time access to the course.

Can I access the entire course at once?

– Yes, once you enroll you can access the entire course and advance as slowly or as quickly as you like. No pressure, you decide!

There are many German courses. How is your different?

– As Julia is a native speaker she is teaching the standard German which is understood in all German speaking countries, without any dialect or accent. In each lesson just one subject is taught and you get clear and on point explanations. The course is well organized and each chapter and course is built on each other. Furthermore, you get great value for a very affordable price.

What happens if I don´t like the course?

– Since you have a 30-days-money-back guarantee you can return the course and your money will be reimbursed. There is no risk involved for you!

Can I really learn a language online?

– Yes, learning and practicing grammar, improving your listening and reading comprehension, writing and learning interesting facts about Germany and the German culture are all possible with an online course. However, since you won´t have a speaking partner within the program it is advisable to practice speaking German with a private German tutor or other people who speak German, for example.

Isn´t it better to learn in a school?

– That is a matter of personal preference. Learning online as well as in a school has both its benefits. In a school you can learn together with others with a set schedule. An online course on the other hand is more affordable, flexible as you decide when and where to learn at your own pace and there is no commuting to a physical school needed, which safes you time. So it really depends on your personal preference.

If you are not familiar with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; Here is a quick overview:

A1 – Complete Beginner

A2 – basic level

B1 – intermediate level

B2 – Upper intermediate level

C1 – advanced

C2 – competent

I hope to see you soon as a new student in my course!

Enroll in this course now!

Learn German - Wie funktioniert Udemy? - How does Udemy work?
Learn German - Nominalisierung von Verben mit Nomen - Nominalization
Learn German - Adjektive mit Präpositionen - Adjectives with prepositions
Learn German - deutsche Kultur - German culture
Learn German - Modale Zusammenhänge - modal connectors
Learn German - Modale Zusammenhänge II - modal connections II
Learn German - Modale Zusammenhänge (verbal) - modal connections (verbal)
Learn German - Erweitertes Partizip I & II - Extended participle I & II
Learn German - deutsche Redewendungen - German idioms
Learn German - Adversativsätze - adversative clauses
Learn German - Zweiteilige Konnektoren - two-part connectors
Learn German - Negation durch Vor- und Nachsilben
Learn German - Diktat 1 - dictation 1
Learn German - Partizip I als Nomen - participle I as a noun
Learn German - German dialects - deutsche Dialekte - Berlinerisch
Learn German - Mittelfeld im Hauptsatz - tekamolo
Learn German - Deutsche Zitate - German quotes
Learn German - Indirekte Rede (II) - Indirect speech (II)
Learn German - Fragenmarathon - question marathon
Learn German - als ob - as if
Learn German - Konditionale Zusammenhänge - conditional connectors
Learn German - Zungenbrecher - tongue-twister
Learn German - Fugenelement "s" bei Nomen - Joint element "s" in nouns
Learn German - Online Shopping
Learn German - Konzessive Zusammenhänge (nominal) - Concessional connectors
Learn German - Konzessive Zusammenhänge (verbal) - Concessional connectors
Learn German - deutsche Dialekte - German dialects
Learn German - Zustandspassiv - stative passive
Learn German - von und durch - from and through
Learn German - Zwischenprüfung - intermediate examination
Learn German - Wortbildung - Vorsilben bei Nomen - word formation
Learn German - Diktat 2 - dictation 2
Learn German - Alternativen zum Passiv - Alternatives to the passive voice
Learn German - Generalisierende Relativsätze - Generalizing relative clauses
Learn German - Lernblockaden - Learning blocks
Learn German - Feste Verbindungen von Nomen und Verben
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
524 Bewertungen
Sterne 5
Sterne 4
Sterne 3
Sterne 2
Sterne 1
Video 8 Stunden
Lektionen 16


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
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